Kalmar Maritime Academy to educate mariners with Leonova Diamond
At Kalmar Maritime Academy, SPM equipment has been used to educate students for many years. The academy has now opted to upgrade to Leonova Diamond, SPM’s latest and most powerful instrument for portable measurement of mechanical condition.
The Kalmar Maritime Academy (KMA) is part of the Linnaeus University in Kalmar and Växjö. The academy conducts research and development of operations within the Swedish and international shipping industries. The college has multiple laboratories and extensive laboratory equipment, e.g. within machine and maintenance technologies. Approximately 700 students annually study at the Maritime Academy programs for Master Mariners, Chief Engineers, Operating Technicians and engineers. In addition to these students, almost as many attend commissioned programs or courses at the academy, which is one of two maritime colleges in Sweden.
In conjunction with upgrading to Leonova Diamond, students will have access to the patented SPM HD measuring technique, advanced vibration analysis and many other powerful and useful features. Leonova also comes in EX/ATEX approved version for use in potentially explosive environments, such as oil tankers and gas carriers.
Thomas Knudsen, lecturer in Machine Maintenance and Engineering, comments on the choice of Leonova Diamond: ”When I once started studying at Kalmar Maritime Academy, it was because of their reputation as Sweden’s leading school for marine and maintenance engineers with respect to equipment, knowledge and proximity to the faculty. When, after several years as a ship engineer, I returned to school as a teacher and responsible for equipment in our maintenance laboratory, it was with a determination to keep this tradition alive. We continuously invest in industry-rate equipment of top quality for our laboratories. The choice fell with ease on SPM's latest and most powerful instrument for condition monitoring. The training we have undergone at SPM's headquarters in Strängnäs ensures that the teachers at KMA can provide the highest level of quality in the education of our students. My colleagues and I feel that with our recent acquisition, we have taken another major step toward maintaining our position as the leading maritime college."